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Personal reading : Intuitive guidance

1:1 on Zoom or Via Phone Call  30 mins or 60 mins

A popular service for when you're feeling stuck or need some additional intuitive or spiritual guidance or support.

A personal reading to support you with the issues you are facing - it could be to do with your current energy, relationships, career, homelife, health or some other topic that you are seeking support with. 

These sessions are generally held online on Zoom or via telephone depending on your preference. (If online on Zoom the session can be recorded if you wish). On occasions I can provide a 1 to 1 appointment at my room close to the centre of Plymouth, Devon, UK

30 mins: £30 

60 mins: £55

* As a legal disclaimer and guidance, I am required to advise the following:-

All readings and services both free and paid for provided by myself, Deborah Amara (Peirson), are intended to empower you to take responsibility for making the best choices for yourself. All readings and sessions are intended to support and uplift you in your personal life, and do not in any way replace professional advice from a qualified medical/legal/financial 

professional. The contents of a reading or session are not legally binding. Any decisions made or actions taken by you as a result of the reading or session you accept as your own sole responsibility. Please use your own common sense, intuition and judgement at all times. By booking a session with me it is deemed that you are fully accepting of these terms and conditions.

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